Architectural Drawings: After-Hours
What is After-Hours?
The renovation plan will allow Drake to keep a portion of the Library open on a 24/5 basis. Current plans call for the after-hours component to be available Monday – Friday mornings from 1:00 a.m. (after the Library closes during main semesters) until 7:00 a.m. (when the Library reopens.) On Sundays, the space will open near 7:00 a.m. until the Library opens at noon.
Hours will vary during summer sessions, holidays and finals.
By closing a new gate at the upper end of the ramp, shutting new doors in the transitional study space and opening a new entry door to the south, the study space adjacent to the cafe can be opened without impacting the rest of the building.
The area will not be operated solely as a Library service. During after-hours operation we anticipate that Campus Security, Facilities and the University Administration will assume responsibility for the area.
How can I find out more details?
After-hours operational details are still being worked out and discussed by the University.
Please see the project’s Frequently Asked Questions page for the most current details regarding operation of this area.