Priya Shenoy, Pharmacy/Science Librarian, and Michelle Bottenberg, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, will be presenting at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy conference on Drug Information Competencies. They will be describing their successful program that aims “to educate the first year Pharm. D. students on learning the practical skills of searching, finding and evaluating information, as well as including formative and summative assessment of these skills.”
Archive for 2014
Black Studies Center – Drake access
Cowles Library provides the Drake community of scholars access to The Black Studies Center. The Center delivers primary and secondary source content from a selection of useful sources, and integrates them in a single cross-searchable gateway. Here are a few of the resources included:
– A growing library of images and video clips is available with over 2,000 images and over 200 video clips. See video of everyone from Malcolm X to Marian Anderson.
– Each essay is linked to a comprehensive timeline, which lists important events, people, and places.
Two Library Professors Present at Charleston
Professor Teri Koch, Collection Development Coordinator, and Assistant Professor Andrew Welch, Discovery Services & Technology Librarian, gave two presentations at the 33rd Annual Charleston Conference (Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition) in Charleston, South Carolina on November 7, 2013. One presentation was entitled “Adding PDA for Print? Consider Your Options for Implementation.” The second presentation was entitled “Maximizing the Value of Library Collections and Improving the End User Experience.”
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