Kris Mogle, Interlibrary Loan/Reserves Supervisor at Cowles Library will be attending the 2012 ILLIAD (resource sharing) meeting in Virginia Beach, VA on March 21-23. Kris will be part of a panel discussion on GET IT NOW. GET IT NOW is a pilot program at Drake providing document delivery 24/7 to faculty, staff, and students through the Copyright Clearance Center.
Archive for March, 2012
Four from Cowles Library to present at IPAL conference
Four members of the Cowles Library faculty and staff will present at the Iowa Private Academic Libraries (IPAL) conference on Friday, April 20, 2012 at Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa.
- Marc Davis will present Technology & Information Capacities & Expectations in First Year Students: Informing Library Technology Planning. This session reports on a survey of technology use among first-year students. The survey was developed as a joint venture between librarians and IT professionals across a number of schools and departments at Drake University including Cowles Library (the main campus library), The College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, the School of Education, and Drake Law School Library. The survey was intended to assess both university assumptions about this group’s technology needs and capabilities and whether current library computer policies and technology plans were compatible with their intended audience. 600 received responses comprised over 70% of incoming students and provided the first truly broad assessment of student experiences with and expectations regarding technology at Drake.
- Carrie Dunham-LaGree and Bruce Gilbert will present Collaborating for Information Literacy: The Drake Experience. This session will report on the information literacy skills of first year students with data collected from First Year Seminars in conjunction with the Information Literacy pilot in Fall 2011.
- Susan Breakenridge Fink will present Making the Old New Again: The Use of Special Collections & a Wiki. This session will focus on Drakeapedia.
Congratulations to all four presenters on being selected!
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