What is LibQUAL+?
- LIBQUAL+ is a methodology and an instrument developed by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) to systematically collect and interpret library user feedback over time.
- LibQUAL+ is an international initiative to develop uniform assessment practices and methods for acting on data results to enhance services.
- LibQUAL+ is a standardized web-based survey submitted to Texas A.&M. for tabulation and distribution of results.
Why does Cowles Library Participate in LibQUAL+?
The LibQUAL+ survey helps us assess how well we service the students, staff, and faculty of Drake University through the following areas:
- Affect of Service – Knowledgeable librarians and staff who show a willingness to help users.
- Information Access – Convenient access to collections, modern and easy to use equipment, collections that provide needed information, easy to use web site.
- Library as Place – A haven for quiet and solitude, sufficient and comfortable study space, convenient business hours.
What have we learned from our surveys?
Cowles Library has participated in the LibQUAL+ survey four times since 2003. Our results have improved with the administration of each survey, as we have done our best to incorporate suggestions for improvement after the data is received and analyzed.
- In general, I am satisfied with the way I am treated at the library.
- In general, I am satisfied with library support for my learning, research, and/or teaching needs.
- How would you rate the overall quality of the service provided by the library?
What have we done with the data?
- Expanded open hours
- Updated Web site
- Created separate quiet and group study areas
- Worked with Sodexho to bring you Cowles Cafe
- Created jobs to support student and staff training
What is yet to come?
- Building remodel and expansion plan
- Continued Web site improvements
- Continuing training for student staff
If you have questions or comments regarding our LibQUAL+ results, please contact Karen Jurasek, Service Quality and Training Coordinator for more information.