
The content of this site is no longer being updated. Current information is being maintained under the About Us page on our main site.


Cowles Library transforms lives and strengthens communities in a democratic society by equipping students, faculty, and staff with quality information and teaching them to find it adeptly, evaluate it critically, and employ it ethically.

Inside Cowles

Cowles Library is the largest private academic library in Iowa. Our purpose is to support the educational goals of Drake University by providing services, collections, technology, and learning opportunities that make it possible for faculty and students to successfully access and use information.

This site contains extensive information on:


Cowles Library envisions a future where:

  • The library is recognized as the intellectual “heart of the university.”
  • Scholarly information is freely and easily available, with no roadblocks to access. The scholarly information system serves researchers and students, not for-profit corporations.
  • The electronic and digital collections continue to expand to meet our users’ curricular and research needs, while the physical collection is honed to focus on materials not available electronically, those of specific importance to the University, and the portion of the human record Drake holds as part of the collective collection.