2010 Core Strategies

May 19th, 2010

The implementation of the library strategic plan is informed by and guided by a cores set of strategies.

  • Continuously examine our program and insure alignment with the Drake Mission.
  • Make sure all of our services fully support our goals, and limit, outsource, or eliminate activities and functions that are not essential.
  • Remain focused on building and sustaining strong collaborations – internally, with our users, and with the other units of the institution that most directly support our program.
  • Continue to develop our special relationship with the Law Library.
  • Live our core values – and make every effort to carry them forward in an appropriate way into our programs and services.
  • Strive to sustain the most effective means to communicate with each other and with our users.
  • Seek to diversify and enhance financial support of our program through our collaboration with Institutional Advancement, and through pursuit of grants.
  • Establish a core set of benchmarks that we will objectively measure our performance by.