Visioning Documents (Preliminary)

Draft Vision Document for Fusion Center Component.  9.19.2012 v.1


The fusion center unites

digital & physical collections (providing) access to the body of scholarly knowledge and the skills needed for competent discovery & evaluation of that knowledge


digital and physical services (providing) support in developing personal and academic skills needed to use knowledge creatively and effectively


digital and physical artifacts (created) in a dynamic,social space (providing)  tools needed to accomplish the work of students and faculty.

EXAMPLES OF KNOWLEDGE:  databases, supersearch, physical collections, bibliographic instruction, information literacy, critical thinking, research assistance

EXAMPLES OF SERVICES: writing assistance, public speaking, tutoring, how-to-do-presentations, how-to-do-infographics, supportive lab environment

EXAMPLES OF PRODUCTS: posters, presentations, academic papers, video and new media

A preliminary conceptual drawing, indicating the fusion of knowledge, academic services and creativity in the Fusion Center.

Fusion Center Conceptual Document, Draft 1

Conceptual Drawings, v. 2 – broad conceptual diagrams, including a revision of the graphics above

Mission & Vision, v2 – a draft vision and mission statement for the Fusion Center